
just need to get closer

I went to see Travis at the 9 30 Club in DC with my friend Theron. It was amazing! They're one of my top 4 bands. The most exciting part was before they even played. The "Rocky" theme came on and all four of them entered from the back of the place, wearing boxing costumes, and past right by us to get to the stage, shaking hands and giving high-fives on the way. It never felt so good touching other men.

I had an epiphany too: These amazing concerts we go to are a lot like being in love. I'm not even stretching it. Think about it. You wait for what seems like forever for them to come on stage (or for love to commence). Then the first few minutes (or weeks, months, etc.) are amazing! Then after you're used to the band (or lover) playing (or giving you love), you start to take their presence for granted. You get used to what you have and a lot of the excitement is gone. Then, just like that, it's over, and it's then that you really start to appreciate what just happened, and wish it had never left. And it's then that you know you were in love.

Needless to say, I was in love tonight.


Esthertainment said...
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Noriko said...

amazing pictures....'love' looked fun!

Unknown said...

nerd. you love love, and analogies.

Mason said...

your camera takes nice pix, i really like the fourth one down, the grayish one with the singer in the center. b e a utiful.

Änna said...

hm...well I love every minute of concerts in which bands I like are playing, and then it's over too soon, and then I continue dancing to their music that is playing in my head even after they are offstage, hoping that they will return for a second encore...by your logic, this suggests that I am that obsessive ex-girlfriend that can't let it go

Esthertainment said...

watch out for anna
HAHAHA...just kidding I'd date you any day.

kthaulass said...

these look fantastic. I like your spotlight symmetry. brav