
I think

I think that I shall never hurt a man as kind as Berty-Bert.
I think that I shall never roll with anyone as cool as Joel.
I think that I shall never hasten to let myself become like Mason.
I think that I shall never wanna get on the bad side of Anna.
I think that I shall never pester anyone as rude as Esther.
I think that I shall never see another dude like Jeremy.
I think that I shall never say, “Damn! I look as good as Seye!”
I think that I shall never blame me, for that time, you know, with Jayme
I think that I shall never toy with playing Coldplay songs for Joy.
I think that I shall never spot a journalist as bad as Scott.
I think that I shall never span the globe with as much class as Dan.
[Due to rhyming issues, certain names have been withheld from this exercise.]

Inspired by the poem by Joyce Kilmer: "I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree."


Unknown said...
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Seye said...

I think that I shall never meet a warden as butthurt as Gordon.

Änna said...

I can't believe it took me this long to read this! your poetry skills are top-notch, though I can't say I believe all the content

Mason said...

: /